----config.lua-------------- -- Config file for otserv -- Comments start with a -- ---------------------------- -- datadir datadir = "data/" -- map -- sets what map to load, if sql, determines the sql map map = "data/world/Graviria.otbm" /// plik mapy mapstore = "data/world/Graviria-mapstore.xml" /// plik itemow na mapier housestore = "data/world/Graviria-housestore.xml" /// plik domkow houserentperiod = "daily" /// oplata za domek -- mapkind -- OTBM for binary, SQL for SQL map, XML for OTX maps mapkind = "OTBM" /// rozszezenie mapy -- bans banIdentifier = "data/bans.xml" /// plik banow -- how many logins attempts until ip is temporary disabled (set to 0 to disable) logintries = 10 /// pozostawiamy bez zmian -- how long the retry timeout until a new login can be made (without disabling the ip) retrytimeout = 2000 /// pozostawiamy bez zmian -- how long the player need to wait until the ip is allowed again logintimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000 /// pozostawiamy bez zmian -- loginmsg -- the message the player gets when he logs in loginmsg = "Witamy na New York !!!! http://new_york.xt.pl Powodzenia i zapraszamy ponownie" /// wiadomosc podczas logowania sie na serwer -- port -- the port otserv listens on port = "2118" /// port przez ktory beda sie gracze logowac z reguly 7171 -- servername -- name of our server servername = "New York" /// nazwa serwera -- ownername -- name of the owner of our server ownername = "New York" /// rowniez nazwa serwera -- owneremail -- email of the owner of our server owneremail = "tiger2005pl@gmail.com" /// Twoj email -- url -- the url for more server info url = "http://new_york.xt.pl" /// Twoj adres strony -- location -- the location of the server location = "Poland" /// pozostawiamy bez zmian -- ip -- the ip the server should redirect too -- supports "auto" function ip = "" /// Twoje Ip -- motd -- The messagebox you sometimes get before you choose characters motd = "Welcome to New York" /// wiadomosc ktora wyskoczy przy pierwszym wejscu na serwer (nowego gracza) motdnum="1" -- use md5 passwords for accounts, yes/no md5passwords = "no" /// pozostawiamy bez zmian -- world type. options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced worldtype = "pvp" /// typ serwera -- max number of players allowed maxplayers = "100" /// max graczy -- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1sec) exhausted = 200 /// tu chyba nie musze tlumaczyc -- how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell (1000 = 1sec) exhaustedadd = 200 /// tu chyba nie musze tlumaczyc -- how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1sec) pzlocked = 1*60*1000 /// pozostawic bez zmian -- allow multiple logins of the same char allowclones = 0 /// opcja blokowania klonowania graczy -- vocation names vocations = {"a sorcerer", "a druid", "a paladin", "a knight"} /// zdecydowanie pozostawiamy bez zmian -- experience, skill and loot rate rate_exp = 5 --dont work now, see the experience rates by level /// mnoznik expa rate_pvp = 10 /// to samo tylko pvp rate_skill = 5 /// to samo tylko skill rate_mag = 5 /// to samo tylko mag rate_loot = 1 /// to samo tylko loot -- experience rates by level stage1 = 10 stage1exp = 20 stage2 = 20 stage2exp = 19 stage3 = 30 stage3exp = 18 stage4 = 35 /// tego raczej nie ruszamy stage4exp = 17 stage5 = 45 stage5exp = 16 stage6 = 50 stage6exp = 15 stage7exp = 10 -- end ///////// po nizej dla osob ktore uzywaj wersji sql a jesli uzywac xml to pozostawcie bez zmian --- sql type mysql/sqlite only viable if both are present sql_type = "mysql" --- SQLITE part sqlite_db = "db.s3db" --- SQL part sql_host = "localhost" sql_user = "root" sql_pass = "12345" --change this password in xampp and here for security-- sql_db = "otserv" --- SQL MAP part map_host = "localhost" map_user = "root" map_pass = "" map_db = "" ---------------------------- -----DARKONIA CONFIG---------- ---SKULL SYSTEM--- -- time to lose one frag (1 = 1 hour) fragtime = 12 -- autoban enabled or disabled (1 = on 0 = off) autoban = 1 -- red skull unjust, how many frags you need to get a red skull (1 = 1 frag) redunjust = 1 -- ban unjust, how many frags you need to get banned (1 = 1 frag) banunjust = 2 -- bantime, for how long the player is banned (1 = 1 day) bantime = 5 ----END----- --PARTY SYSTEM-- p_share = 1 --share exp 1 enabled 0 disabled p_formula = 1 --exp formula p_distance = 5 --distance to get exp in squares p_height = 1 --distance floors to get exp --END-- ---MULTIPLIERS-- exhaustedheal = 1000 dist = 30 --this is the range of monsters dissappear nofood = 0 --1 on ; 0 off manatick = 40 healthtick = 40 diepercent = 5 looseeq = 5 loosebp = 100 skill_loose = 5 magic_loose = 5 ----END----- ----HOUSES--- --Houses price by rent in mapeditor? ( 1 = yes 0 = no) pricerent = 0 //// koszt domku z mapy czy z config.lua --if houses price disabled in mapeditor houseprice = 500 --price by tile //// koszt domku (jedna kratka) --what level to buy a house? lvlhouse = 20 ----END------ ---WANDS, BOH, SPEARS, BURST ARROW AND POISON ARROW----- MANA_SNAKEBITE = 2 MANA_MOONLIGHT = 3 MANA_VOLCANIC = 5 MANA_QUAGMIRE =8 MANA_TEMPEST = 13 MANA_VORTEX = 2 MANA_DRAGONBREATH = 3 MANA_PLAGUE = 5 MANA_COSMIC = 8 MANA_INFERNO = 13 RANGE_SNAKEBITE = 4 RANGE_MOONLIGHT = 3 RANGE_VOLCANIC = 2 RANGE_QUAGMIRE = 1 RANGE_TEMPEST = 3 RANGE_VORTEX = 4 RANGE_DRAGONBREATH = 3 RANGE_PLAGUE = 2 RANGE_COSMIC = 1 RANGE_INFERNO = 3 -- damage of burst arrows blast -- default is from (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.24 to (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.55 burstarrowdmg = {"1.0", "5.0", "0.24", "0.55"} poisonarrowdamage = 5 poisonarrowhits = 10 spearsloose = 1000 -- 40 + (2*playerlevel) bohspeed1 = 40 bohspeed2 = 0 ----END--- --PREMIUM-- -- promoted vocations pvocations = {"a master sorcerer", "an elder druid", "a royal paladin", "an elite knight"} premmydays = 31 --in days changesex = 31 --in days -- Do you want players to learn their Spells? 0 = yes 0 = no learnspells = 0 premiumspells = 0 --1 on ; 0 off --you can add 4 custom spells spell1 ="exori gran" spell2 ="exori mas" spell3 ="" spell4 ="" --END --ROOK SYSTEM rooksystem = 0 -- 0 no ; 1 yes /// rook system chyba wiadomo o co biega rooklvl = 6 --level to teleport player to rook again //// lvl po korym wyjdzie z rook --temple of main mainx = 201 mainy = 260 //// wspolrzedne maina mainz = 7 --temple of rook rookx = 220 //// wspolrzedne rooka rooky = 220 rookz = 7 --END --SERVER SAVE-- playersave = 5 --in minutes (0 is disabled) /// co ile minut zapis graczy mapsave = 45 --in minutes (0 is disabled) ///// to samo tylko mapy --general save and close server (if not restarter used) --default is 7:00 am //// o ktorej godzieni auto restart ma byc serversave2 = 1 --1 enabled ; 0 disabled hour1 = 7 minute1 = 00 minute2 = 05 minute3 = 07 minute4 = 08 //// ostrzezenie po ilu minutach sie serwer zresetuje (pozostawiamy bez zmian) minute5 = 09 --END ----VARIOUS---- oneplayeracc = 0 --1 on ; 0 off expcolor = 983 txtcolor = 179 helpmsg = "Welcome to Darkonia\n\nThe players commands are:\n!help\n!online\n!sex male\n!sex female\n!buyhouse\n!leavehouse\nexiva player\n!premmy\n!thetime\n!frags\n!version\n\nThanks for play this server." kicktime = 999 bedregain = 60 soulup = 1 souldown = 1 antimacro = 1 --1 on ; 0 off antimacrotime = 10*1000 antimacroticks = 1*1000 -- If you are too far from your summon, should it teleport to you? (0 = no, 1 = yes) summonstp = 1 gmspeed = 2000 /////// szybkosc poruszania GM playerspeed = 220 ///////// szybkosc poruszania Gracza atkspeed = 1500 ///// szybkosc ataku datalogs = "data/logs/" onlineplayersinsite = 0 --1 on ; 0 off onlinerefresh = 99999999999999 --time in minutes to refresh capsystem = "no" //// system cap maxdepotitems = 9999 /// max item w depot pozostawiamy bez zmian wiecej nie dajemy gdzy beda pozniej BUGI privateworld = 0 -- 0 disabled ; 1 enabled premiumworld = 0 --0 disabled ; 1 enabled logpass = 1 --log players accounts logips = 1 --log players ips (1 on ; 0 off) resurrection = 1 --1 on 0 off, when player dies teleport to temple (recommended for pvp-enforced). monsterstp = 0 --teleport monsters like summonstp maxdeathentries = 5 --death list (only for xml) infinitedistance = "no" --infinite bolts,arrows, etc infiniterunes = "yes" --infinite runes aimbot = "yes" --runes by battle addstaminatry = 5 gmnotmove = 2 gmnothealaccess = 2 gmprotect = 2 npctalkdelay = 1 --talk delay (1 = yes 0 = no) -- how many summons player can have maxsummons = 2 ---END--- --RINGS-- lifering = 2 rohring = 4 --END --GM BOT-- botname = "Gm Darkonia" gmbotx = 477 gmboty = 563 /// GM Bot gmbotz = 7 --END--